Friday, 13 May 2016

What is the best mobile shopping apps in Malaysia?

In the era of smartphones, everything seems quicker. Everything can happen at your fingertips. Malaysia is also not left behind in this technology. With a population of 30 million, Malaysia is one of Southeast Asia’s economic power and a Top 5 country which is easiest to do business. Because of these statistics, thousands of online stores have been established to meet the high demand in Malaysia. Therefore, more and more mobile shopping apps have been designed to allow users to browse, compare and buy from online stores. These problems are also often generated in social media.

Source: Best mobile shopping apps in Malaysia

You can follow Engr. MD Nursyazwi on Quora.
Working independently as Building Contractor in Malaysia. An entrepreneur, a building contractor and Engineer. I"m a devout Muslim (but not a terrorist) and born as Dusun ethnic, has a Diploma in Manufacturing Technology and a Bachelor in Design Manufacturing. Being foresight and have many ideas in engineering and business. Skilled in civil and mechanical engineering. SEO is my new passion.

Source: Engr. MD Nursyazwi - Quora

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